why- Open BSD .rocks

Configuration syntax (∞)

All daemons written by and for OpenBSD have config files following a certain scheme; this scheme is similar to pf. Even though there is no formal specification, the unified and readable syntax and vocabulary make OpenBSDs daemons easy to understand and configure.


domain why-openbsd.rocks {
  domain key "/etc/ssl/private/why-openbsd.rocks.key"
  domain certificate "/etc/ssl/why-openbsd.rocks.crt"
  domain full chain certificate "/etc/ssl/why-openbsd.rocks.pem"
  challengedir "/var/www/htdocs/challenges/"
  sign with letsencrypt


http protocol https {
	match request header append "X-Forwarded-For" value "$REMOTE_ADDR"
	match request header append "X-Forwarded-By" \
	match request header set "Connection" value "close"

	# Various TCP options
	tcp { sack, backlog 128 }

 	tls { no tlsv1.0, ciphers HIGH }
#	tls no session tickets
